I'm a Hamburg-based multidisciplinary designer with a background in creative coding.

My career spans over 20 years (oh Lord!) in the fields of creating digital products and experiences, brands, and marketing communications.
Site of the Day → MTV RMA05 Website
Site of the Day → Brahma Bus Website
Site of the Day → Instinct Agency Website
Site of the Day → Termite Website
Site of the Day → Melody Sphere Website
Golden Drum
Gran Prix → MTV Pictoids Website
Bronze Drum → MTV RMA04 Website
Silver Drum → Seat Streets Sound App
Kyiv International Advertising Festival
1st Place → Yandex Banners
1st Place → MTV Digital Postcard
1st Place → MTV Digital Postcard (2 times)
Red Apple
1st Place → MTV RMA04 Website
2st Place → MTV RMA05 Website
2st Place → MTV Digital Postcard

Icons, Taschen
Web Design: Studios 2
By Ed. Julius Wiedermann

.net UK magazine
World´s Top 20 Web Designers
By Gary Marshall

IOGraphica Online Reviews
Fun Facts
I invented pictograms messaging before emoji was a thing. In 2004 the project had the Grand Prix on an award festival. The jury admitted they didn't have to read the project description to catch the idea.

The work I made for a client popped up in one of James Bond movies. All people in the theater stared at me (no they didn't).

I made an interface for Marussia supercar's dashboard. Manufacturers claim that about 3,000 pieces are traveling around the world.

Btw. try my boxhead on Instagram!