
I'm a Hamburg-based multidisciplinary designer with a background in creative coding.

My Works
Anatoly Zenkov enjoys his life

My career spans over 20 years (oh Lord!) in the fields of creating digital products and experiences, brands, and marketing communications.

Contact Me



Site of the Day → MTV RMA05 Website

Site of the Day → Brahma Bus Website

Site of the Day → Instinct Agency Website

Site of the Day → Termite Website

Site of the Day → Melody Sphere Website

Golden Drum

Gran Prix → MTV Pictoids Website

Bronze Drum → MTV RMA04 Website

Silver Drum → Seat Streets Sound App

Kyiv International Advertising Festival

1st Place → Yandex Banners

1st Place → MTV Digital Postcard

1st Place → MTV Digital Postcard (2 times)

Red Apple

1st Place → MTV RMA04 Website

2st Place → MTV RMA05 Website

2st Place → MTV Digital Postcard

The Golden Drum 2005 Grand Prix figurine


Icons, Taschen

Web Design: Studios 2

By Ed. Julius Wiedermann

Icons by Ed. Julius Wiedermann: Web Design Studios 2 (Taschen). Cover
Icons by Ed. Julius Wiedermann: Web Design Studios 2 (Taschen). Inside
.net UK magazine

World´s Top 20 Web Designers

By Gary Marshall

Cover of net UK Magazine. Issue 199. September 2009
net UK Magazine. Issue 199. September 2009. The top 20 web designers by Gary Marshall. Article about Anatoly Zenkov
Compact Disk from net UK Magazine. Issue 199. September 2009

IOGraphica Online Reviews

The New York Times

Fun Facts

I invented pictograms messaging before emoji was a thing. In 2004 the project had the Grand Prix on an award festival. The jury admitted they didn't have to read the project description to catch the idea.

Screenshot from Pictoids, interactive postcard with pictogram messaging made by Anatoly Zenkov in 2003 for Mtv.
Challenger 604

The work I made for a client popped up in one of James Bond movies. All people in the theater stared at me (no they didn't).

Challenger 604 in HaitiGreeneAnatoly Zenkov as James Bond

I made an interface for Marussia supercar's dashboard. Manufacturers claim that about 3,000 pieces are traveling around the world.

Marussia V1 Interior with Visible Dashboard
Marussia V1 Dashboard BlueMarussia V1 Blue on the snow
Marussia Dashboard DraftMarussia V1 Dashboard Orange

You made it to the end!

Let's be friends or partners, or both

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Btw. try my boxhead on Instagram!

Anatoly Zenkov BoxheadAnatoly Zenkov BoxheadAnatoly Zenkov BoxheadAnatoly Zenkov BoxheadAnatoly Zenkov BoxheadAnatoly Zenkov Boxhead