An application that turns your daily routine work on the computer into contemporary art.
Using a postmodernism method and challenge of previous conceptions of what art constitutes at all, IOGraph turns mouse movements into contemporary art. The idea is clear and simple — you have the program running in the background while doing your usual daily stuff at the computer. Go back to IOGraph after a while and grab a unique piece of contemporary art.

New York Times
If you’ve ever wondered about the flow of your mouse around your computer screen, a free downloadable application, called “mouse pointer track,” can help you follow these esoteric movements and turn them into a fascinating blur between art and information.
You may have seen these kind of visualzations before; they're the product of an awesome little program called IOGraph that you can download and mess with yourself. You should. It's useless and fun.
Besides the mouse path, the application also tracks your idle time, displaying it as circles of varying radius depending of how much time you spent away from the computer.

In use

One Year at Work
Every single mouse move of every working day in the year 2012 was visualized with IOGraphica and compiled in a video. By I Am Jonay.

Radiologist’s 8-hour Shift
The radiologists from the University Hospital Basel used IOGraphica images for an article, where they discuss the rising volumes and complexity of diagnostic imaging studies. Published in the ”Radiology Vol. 299“ (paywall alert)

“Flashing” by David Maurin. In his book, David discusses the role of hand-drawn sketches in the design of the digital age.

Rinne no Lagrange
The makers of a Japanese anime television series used IOGraphica extensively in texturing the effects of the opening song.